About Us
The Company
We are an Orlando FL based company that specializes in producing publication materials, including novels, comic books, pen-paper & video game concepts and 'pitch packages' for network television and film. We work with other business entities to produce, deploy and manage any type of publication. For example; managing internal ISBNs, facilitating professional editing services and working with a print-on-demand company to have a novel available on Amazon.com
Celestial Fury Publishing also holds the intellectual property rights on several internal Science-Fiction / Fantasy projects. Although we admit to having a love for Science-Fiction we are *not* limited to *any* specific genre. We are open to working on any type of project where the creators are passionate about their concept.
The following list shows a glimpse into the wide range of publication and creative concept packaging services we provide (but are not limited to):
- Writing Services - such as hiring vetted Ghostwriters
- Script or Screenplay Writing / Editing Services
- Film (any length or budget constraint)
- Anything from a 5 minute Indie to Full Production Feature
- Television Any Format or Genre
- Anything from a Sitcom to a Reality Docu-Drama
- Film (any length or budget constraint)
- Production Services - such as (for comic books) hiring vetted artists / letterers etc.
- Project Management - from Initial Concept to Finished Publication
- Overall Conceptual Brainstorming for Market Analysis
- Character Creation and Analysis for Any Project Size and Genre
- Creation of Simple to Intricate Character Network Maps
- Story Creation (Single or Multi-Arch) and Analysis
- For Film, Television, Webisode, Stage or any Performance Art
- Experts in the Coveted Persistent Television Format
- Episodic and/or Seasonal Transition Continuity
- Conceptual "Universe" Production Management, such as:
- Multi-Novel Continuity
- Media Concept Translation - for example moving from a Comic Book to a Video Game
- Uniform Gameplay Balance
- Sales "Pitch Package" Creation
- Film Packages for Venture Capital
- Persistent Team-Based Television Packages
- Episodic Television Packages
- Reality Show Packages
- Docu-Style/Profession-Style
- Docu-Drama/Lifestyle-Style
- Individual-Competition-Style
- Single or Multiple Team Based-Competition-Style
- Moral/Social-Experiment-Style
- Our Expertise in Package Creation includes but is not limited to:
- Show Bibles or "State of the Universe" Documentation
- Pilot Scripts and Example Midseason Scripts
- Market and Demographic Analysis Documentation
- Multimedia Presentations
Please don't be fearful about sharing your ideas with us - if there is any concern about your intellectual property we will provide (or sign yours after review) a legally binding NDA/PIA to protect all parties.
Many of our services work in direct conjunction with our parent and sister companies; Solar Havoc Industries (for organizational capabilities), Frickbat Films (for anything multimedia) and Blind Jab Studios (for anything engineering, technical or video game based).
Haven't you always wanted to write that "Great American Novel" or publish that Comic Book you came up with years ago or what about that Television Show idea you and your buddies came up with back in college? Why not do it? What is stopping you? In our experience we imagine you stopped because of that concept crippling question; "HOW ?!?"
Our answer is simple: everything in life (no matter how simple or complicated) is a long series of very small but distinct steps, whether it's learning a new language, graduating from medical school, or succeeding at your *own* given profession. The secret to success is first figuring out what those steps are, and second mapping the path out from beginning to end. We know, understand and have experience in the steps it takes to go from concept to execution; let us share the blazed trail through this mysterious path with you.
We are currently involved in several active sales pursuits in the Film, Episodic & Persistent Television and Performing Arts arenas. We have cached away dozens of little tricks-of-the-trade you can use to make industry notice a professional concept package; let us share these with you and help you get your concept out to the public!
Featured Project
[click] the title or the images to go to the project page
Primeval Origins
Primeval Origins: Paths of Anguish and Light of Honor are the first two books in an epic saga that is much more than a single trilogy. Behind this first two books is a beyond epic storyline with a background spanning 65 million years and multiple civilizations that is filled with the challenges of moral choice and the battle against tyranny imposed by both godly and mortal adversaries.